Root Canals

Root Canals

Root Canal Services

Root canal treatment is a vital dental procedure aimed at salvaging severely damaged or infected teeth. This advanced procedure involves the careful removal of damaged or infected pulp within the tooth, followed by thorough cleaning, disinfection, and the application of a filling or crown to seal the root canal.

Root canals become necessary when the inner pulp of a tooth is infected or damaged due to factors like deep decay, cracks or chips, or multiple dental interventions on the same tooth. If left untreated, this condition can lead to the formation of an abscess, a painful infection that can potentially spread to other parts of the body.

The root canal procedure commences with the administration of local anesthesia by the dentist to ensure a pain-free experience. A small access hole is then created at the top of the tooth, allowing the dentist to reach the pulp chamber and root canals. Using specialized instruments, the dentist carefully eliminates the damaged or infected pulp and shapes the tooth’s interior for the subsequent filling process.

Following the removal of the pulp, the dentist meticulously cleans and disinfects the root canals to eliminate any bacteria or debris. In some cases, the dentist may apply medication to eradicate any remaining bacteria effectively.

Once the root canals are cleaned and disinfected, the dentist fills them with a biocompatible material and seals the tooth temporarily with a filling. In most instances, a second visit is scheduled to place a permanent filling or crown on the tooth, providing long-term stability and protection.

After the procedure, patients may experience slight sensitivity or discomfort, which can be effectively managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. It is crucial to adhere to the post-operative instructions provided by the dentist, which may include avoiding hard or crunchy foods, maintaining proper oral hygiene practices, and attending scheduled follow-up appointments.

Overall, root canals are an advanced and highly successful method of preserving damaged or infected teeth, eliminating the need for extraction. With diligent care and regular check-ups, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can continue to serve its purpose for a lifetime, ensuring a healthy and functional smile.

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5 star patient reviews dentist
“Great atmosphere, great service, very personable people. Made me feel like I was a old friend the moment I walked in the door. Dr. Mike was great. The staff were so gentle and friendly. Highly recommend to everyone”

– Spencer, Napa

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